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Certainly, you’ve heard the old adage, “Time is money.” If you’re a business owner, your time is valuable because you have valuable knowledge to share with your audience. Your time is best-used catering to those customers and clients who need your knowledge instead of struggling over some back-office tasks that are not customer-related at all. […]

Like A Boss

It’s inevitable. As a small business owner, you will wear many, many hats.  Marketing manager. Bookkeeper. Content developer. Coach. Technical support. Not only that, but you have to consider how much time you’re spending in each area as well. If you spend all day tweaking the design of your website and put off sending an […]

Procrastination is a dirty word when you’re an entrepreneur. If you procrastinate over doing tasks, then no one is left to complete them, which leads to a feeling of overwhelm, which leads to you questioning why you started your business in the first place. Sound familiar? Yes, I struggle with this! Everyone at some time […]

Making the Most of Your Time It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals.  The only way to truly achieve your dreams and build the business you’re meant to build is to sit down and just do it.  And that’s where many of us…well, fail is a strong word. […]

There comes a time in every entrepreneurial venture when you realize you simply cannot do it all yourself.  Sure, when you’re just getting started you really are the “chief, cook, and bottle washer.” But as your business grows, it becomes painfully obvious that trying to do everything is only going to lead to: Frustration (when […]