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“I’ve never been good with money.” “I hate budgets.” “I’ll never be a 6-figure earner.”  “My market won’t pay premium prices.” If you’ve ever heard these statements come out of your mouth—or even in your head—then you’re engaging in a damaging habit known as negative self-talk. By telling yourself these lies (and yes, they are […]

I am excited to have Heather Campo on this episode of Simplify & Apply™️ with Stacey Butler. In this episode, we will be discussing all things accounting. And I’m here with Heather Campo. Who’s going to tell us the ins and outs of what we should be knowing about accounting and bookkeeping? As you know, […]

Poor money management has been the cause of more business failures than any other single issue. And it’s no wonder. We aren’t born knowing how to manage money. Most of us aren’t taught how to handle it either. We figure it out along the way, through much trial and error.  Those same mindset issues and […]

Money can be the # 1 stress that we can have in our lives.  A recent study by Wells Fargo shows that millennial women are not closing the gender pay gap – the median annual household income for millennial men was found to be $77,000, compared with $56,000 for women. That’s a big difference on […]