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Productivity and efficiency are popular buzzwords lately as more and more business owners try to make the most of their time during a busy day. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot do everything yourself when it comes to running your business. Investing in your business not only decreases stress but it makes […]

There comes a time in every entrepreneurial venture when you realize you simply cannot do it all yourself.  Sure, when you’re just getting started you really are the “chief, cook, and bottle washer.” But as your business grows, it becomes painfully obvious that trying to do everything is only going to lead to: Frustration (when […]

It is just as important to nourish your body, mind, and spirit with activities that help you relax, rejuvenate, and simply for you to have fun, as it is important for you to nourish your body with foods that give you energy, keeps you vibrate, and for your overall wellness.  What does it mean to […]

In Emma Issac’s book, “Winging It. Why Action Beats Planning Every Time”, she says that everyone is just winging it. That no one really knows what they are doing.  As someone who thinks that plans are important the thought that people are just Winging It” is hard to believe. Growing up, my parents would tell […]